EUPFIN Technology Co. Ltd (弋揚科技股份有限公司) Apps

Eup-GPS (Vietnam) 1.3.0
Hệ thống giám sát hành tình Eup giúp bạn quản lý tình trạng thựctếcủa xe, với những tính năng chính sau: 1. Định vị vị trí xe 2.Môphỏng lịch sử hành trình 3. Gọi điện trực tiếp cho lái xe 4.Nắmbắt tình hình xe một cách nhanh chóng.
DriverMY 6.0.4
The EUP Driver's Dedicated System has functions including: 1. PunchCard 2. Alcohol Test 3. Vehicle Abnormal Notification ...... Morefunctions are to be launched, stay tuned!
越弋 1.2
越弋車隊管理系統,車輛即時狀態查詢程式,提供以下功能 1.車輛即時位置 2.行車軌跡撥放 3.車輛所在地標顯示4.車輛駕駛通話功能5.車輛狀態查詢功能.
汽機車防盜網 1.1
衛星犬車隊管理系統,車輛即時狀態查詢程式,提供以下功能 1.車輛即時位置 2.行車軌跡撥放 3.車輛狀態查詢功能.
樂圾通 1.5.15
Are you still bored with taking out the garbage day after day? Justa little bit now Find the real-time route and timetable of the junktruck based on your location No need to chase junk trucks anymore,save the time of waiting Make this unchanging errand a little moreconvenient
衛星犬手機定位-S007 1.0.0
駕駛管理 6.0.6
完整說明: 衛星犬司機專用系統,提供以下功能 1. 打卡上下班功能 2. 酒測器功能 3. 車輛異常提醒功能......更多全新功能持續推出中!
DriverTH 6.0.4
ระบบติดตามตำแหน่งยานพาหนะมีฟังก์ชั่นดังต่อไปนี้1.ระบบตรวจสอบการเข้าและออก 2. ระบบตรวจจับแอลกอฮอล์3.ระบบเตือนความผิดปกติของยานพาหนะและยังมีคุณสมบัติใหม่อื่นๆที่กำลังจะออกมา!
衛星犬EUP 2.9.7
衛星犬車隊管理系統,車輛即時狀態查詢程式,提供以下功能 1.車輛即時位置 2.行車軌跡撥放 3.車輛所在地標顯示 4.車輛駕駛通話功能5.車輛狀態查詢功能.
Việt Nam FMS 2.1.9
Hệ thống giám sát hành tình Eup giúp bạn quản lý tình trạng thựctếcủa xe, với những tính năng chính sau: 1. Định vị vị trí xe 2.Môphỏng lịch sử hành trình 3. Gọi điện trực tiếp cho lái xe 4.Nắmbắt tình hình xe một cách nhanh chóng.
新生醫專交通車 1.3
智慧化的交通路線安排,用APP搭「交通車」免等車。智慧交通車查詢系統結合先進GPS定位技術,即時回報車輛位置動態,提供乘客手機APP快速查詢與「到點提醒」服務,讓您從此跟乘車煩惱說拜拜~程式功能/特色:●「日期查詢」提供一週內路線/班次查詢 ●「路線/班次查詢」提供各路線站點及發車時間查詢●「到點提醒」使用者可設定提醒間隔時間●「行車狀態」查看車輛所在站點及預估到站時間※點擊站名右側鬧鐘圖示即可啟動到點提醒功能「智慧運輸、快速服務」,更多關於智慧交通車系統詳情請上:
穩懋半導體智慧交通車 1.3
APP上架內容:穩懋半導體智慧交通車,結合先進GPS定位技術,即時回報車輛位置動態,提供乘客手機APP快速查詢與「到點提醒」服務,從此與乘車煩惱說拜拜~交通車APP功能:「日期查詢」 一週內路線/班次查詢 ‧路線/班次查詢 各路線站點及發車時間查詢 ‧到點提醒使用者可設定提醒間隔時間※站名右側鬧鐘圖示可啟動到點提醒功能 ‧行車狀態 查看車輛所在站點及預估到站時間
Eupfin Dispatch 5.0
Work order warehouse accounting function is done at one time
衛星犬車隊管理系統,車輛即時狀態查詢程式,提供以下功能 1.車輛即時位置 2.行車軌跡撥放 3.車輛所在地標顯示4.車輛駕駛通話功能5.車輛狀態查詢功能.
凌華科技交通車 1.0
With ADLINK's traffic vehicle query system, say goodbye tothetroubles of traveling.
恩主公醫院大溪八德線就診車動態 1.0
Enzhugong Hospital’s Daxi Bade Line’s medical vehicledynamics,assists in arranging traffic routes, combines advancedGPSpositioning technology, reports vehicle location dynamics inrealtime, provides passengers with APP quick query and"arrivalreminder" services, and says goodbye to the troubles ofdriving~
公務車調派 3.0
Satellite dog official vehicle dispatch platform
Ropo共享機‪車 22.0
Smartly complete the car rental through the shared locomotive app